


这是周二. 你在妊娠晚期, looking at your fridge for a snack when suddenly an idea strikes “I really need to clean and reorganize the shelves.” But it’s not just the fridge that needs attention. Suddenly the bathroom needs a top-to-bottom scrub down, the clothes in the drawers must be refolded, and that crawl space between the media console and wall must be dusted.

Parents, welcome to the stage of pregnancy known as nesting. 猫、狗、鸟和猿都筑巢. This powerful instinct is shared 与 our animal expectant parents and drives us to literally “prepare the nest” or in the case of humans, prepare our homes for the new bundle of joy.


嵌套的定义, 或者筑巢的本能, is the burst of energy expectant women and parents often get in the last few weeks of pregnancy that inspires them to clean and organize the house in preparation for the baby’s arrival.1

While nesting may occur at different stages, results from a 2013 analysis of two studies2 suggest that nesting behaviors peak around the third trimester, week 38 or 39 before your due date.


现在不是恐慌的时候. 事实上, this extra boost of adrenaline is a healthy and productive way to pass the last couple of weeks, 减轻一点焦虑, 为你的孩子准备好一切! 作为一名准父母, your nesting phase may be broken down into distinct characteristics: 清洁, 长袜, 组织, 规划, 和保护.3

Here’s what we suggest you consider doing during nesting:



“那个地方一直在那儿吗??“除尘, 拖地, 擦洗, and doing laundry may become your hyper-focused activities during the nesting phase of your pregnancy. At ECOS, we want to provide you 与 safer options to help you prepare your home.

打扫房子ECOS万能清洁剂,有橙味和欧芹味可供选择. 我们的 readily biodegradable formula tackles tough residue around your home 与out leaving behind harsh chemicals. 不含合成香料, 1,恶烷, 邻苯二甲酸盐, 或氯, it’s the safer choice for a more eco-conscious clean.

使用我们的 ECOS橙色万能清洁喷雾 是很容易的. 直接喷在任何安全的水上, hard surface in your home and wipe it 与 a lint-free cloth or a damp sponge.

接下来,洗衣服ECOS低过敏性洗衣粉 专为敏感皮肤和鼻子设计. 把你所有的亚麻布洗干净, 包括毛巾, 羽绒被, 枕套, 抛出, 表, 还有其他的吗?, 在你的宝贝孩子到来之前.

我们的 ECOS免费 & Clear laundry detergent is a great choice for babies, 与 no added dyes or fragrances and certified 安全的选择 by the U.S. EPA,原料安全的黄金标准. 由酶制成, our laundry detergent is the safer choice for little ones, 与 plant-powered ingredients that are tough on stains and gentle on skin and fabrics.


Babies can go through a lot of supplies, especially in those early weeks. The last thing you want is an urgent trip to the store when all your time and efforts should be focused on caring for and bonding 与 your baby. 所以储备必需品吧!

备货 on laundry detergent for baby’s delicate clothing and cloth diapers, 棉花垫, 直肠数字体温计, 外用酒精, 鼻用注射器, 指甲钳, 零瓶, 乳头, 还有更多.4

Don’t forget to grab other items for your home, such as the ECOS橙色万能清洁剂, snacks, and non-perishables to restock your pantry. 抛弃旧的, 过时的, or soon-to-expire items in your fridge and pantry, and load up on foods you’ll need to support breastfeeding like fresh fruits and veggies and foods you can freeze. 没有时间去购物了, so the more you can load up before baby arrives, 你就越轻松!


You’ve stocked up and probably received gifts from family and friends for the arrival of your baby; now it’s time to organize all those extra items!

组织 your baby’s nursery and your pantry 与 the essentials. At this point, you’ll have an array of pre-washed baby outfits and linens, thanks to our ECOS洗衣粉来填满宝宝的梳妆台和衣柜. 在你的医疗包里放一些额外的衣服, 化妆品, 手机充电器, 拖鞋, 礼服, and other items to make your stay and delivery more comfortable.



Who’ll watch the dog or cat while you’re away delivering the baby? Do you have a contact that will share the big news 与 the rest of your family and friends? Who’s picking up your in-laws from the airport when they come to visit their new grandchild?

计划和委派 these important tasks to a trusted family member or friend well in advance. Once the day arrives–and it may not be on your actual due date–you’ll want to have all the key players ready to assist. Be ready for things that don’t go according to plan. The goal is to prepare and plan ahead as much as possible to alleviate unnecessary stress. The most important thing to remember is to be in the moment 与 your baby and everything else is secondary!


The last couple of weeks are crucial for you to prepare your home for the arrival of your baby. You’ll be busy making the house baby-ready, but don’t neglect taking care of yourself!

保护 your time by being more selective or thinning out any social commitments, 得到足够的休息, 吃好, 不要在清洁上过度劳累, and staying on top of any vitamins are all important for a healthy delivery.


Nesting can be a great way to relieve some of the pre-labor anxiety while being productive at home. Once your baby arrives, time will be limited and precious for 得到足够的休息! ECOS is here to help you during your nesting phase 与 safer cleaning products and useful tips for cleaning your home, 宝宝的东西, 和更多的.

了解我们完整的十大彩票网赌平台系列 ECOS环保清洁十大彩票网赌平台 to keep you, your baby, and your entire home safe and healthy.


  1. 会发生什么. 怀孕期间筑巢.
  2. ScienceDirect. Evidence of a nesting psychology during human pregnancy.
  3. Healthline. Nesting instinct While Pregnant: Here’s What It Means.
  4. 凹凸. 给准妈妈们的10个筑巢任务.